
Dieses Zimmer ist für die Abenteurer da draußen, die sich ein bisschen Komfort gönnen möchten, wenn niemand hinschaut.


2 Gäste

1 Dusche

1 Doppelbett

natürliche Kühlung

24 m²

ab € 630 pro Woche

Alle unsere Zimmer sind einzigartig, euers könnte anders aussehen.


At Novanta we see food as a connector to people and to nature! By teaming up with local producers, we serve up delicious, high-quality meals straight from the land. Our restaurant is always open when our hotel doors are, so you can relax and let us do the cooking!

Our food plan covers a full breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day, so you don’t have to lift a finger. Coffee, tea, sparkling and still tap water are free at all times – and you can even pick your own mint leaves from our herb garden for a refreshing organic mint tea!

Heads up: the food plan is mandatory but not included in the room price. We’ll add it just before your stay. If you feel like exploring the area and dining in one of the local restaurants one day – no worries! We will simply reimburse you.

Adults: €350 pp/week
Kids aged 4–11: €175 pp/week
Kids under 4: Free

Alcoholic drinks and sodas are excluded.

Bevorzugt ihr ein echtes Dach über dem Kopf?
Sucht ihr etwas Größeres?
Sucht ihr nach etwas weniger Barfuß und mehr Komfort?